Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sales figures...

There has been a lot happening. A few weeks ago several of the owners around Aziza School sold to 7NG, and there homes have been removed prior to the standoff over the last days of August.
The 'Old Man' who was one of the original settlers on the site sold his 9 houses for $60,000 (he is very happy and has now bought a 13-room house in Tak Mao for $47,000).
The house at the bottom was larger than average, and sold for $10,500 (they would have liked to have stayed, since they felt it was a good location to earn money (she was in the loan business), but felt they would not be able to stay). They have bought a house for $16,000 on the dyke road.
Two other houses (one pictured) sold for $7,000.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Dayee Krahom Conflict on Aug 4

A few of us were alerted to issues arising in Dayee Krahom on Saturday morning (Aug 4) with the ‘authorities’ and residents. I (Drew) arrived after the crowds had left, and talked to the people there about what had happened.
In the center of the community there are a group of houses that have been bought by 7NG, and now the former renters and/or people from outside have begun living in front of the land plots on the road/common area. Throughout this middle area I have been observing people living in shelters set up next to the areas that have been bought by 7NG.
On Saturday morning, guards hired by 7NG came to remove these people’s belongings onto trucks, and a confrontation arose. A baby was said to have been put on the truck against the mother’s wishes but was not injured. The people staying there say that the company doesn’t own the road so they should be able to stay.
The workers also went to dismantle and claim the lot that is used as the ‘theatre’ or dance practice area (pictured above), but were pushed away by a crowd that had formed in the area. The owner had sold it a few weeks ago and left town immediately afterward because some in the community were angry, claiming that is should be a community resource and not be able to be sold, though I believe she was the legal owner. The community leaders had said they could create a new dance area but none has been created yet.
Some were told that the workers were coming back in the afternoon to claim the theatre area, but they have not yet returned (as of Aug 6).
It seems that the cause of the former renters/squatters needs to be discussed, since it is a separate issue from the rights of the owners in the community. This group will likely face problems soon since they are living on questionable ground.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Dayee Krahom Relocation Site

above: street of houses, house that the owner added an internal wall, on-site garment factory, and real etate office (which is next to the 7NG office where they give credit for house titles for residents in the new location or in Dayee Krahom).

Information from the communities (Bording Block and New Site):

  • There is a woman who is organizing/protesting in Bording, has her own bull horn, etc, and says that 388 families do not want to move.
  • At the new site, the primary school is 8km away, according to a mother there, and the high school is as far or further.

    Information from 7NG:
  • At the new location site I was told that the families all have to agree to move, otherwise they do not get to keep their house. As long as 80% move, the rest will be sent out.
  • Once the families all agree to move, they will be issued titles and can sell or do what they want.
  • Families can sell their houses in Bording for $5,000 - $7,000 (this needs to be verified, and if possible agreed to in writing).
  • There are 2,000 houses in total that will be built, a large market, a large paved (tiled) public area, a police station, and a real estate office. Larges buses run daily for 1500R one-way.
  • There is a Korean-owned garment factory that employs 300 or 1000 people (the guard said 300, and Sothea from 7NG said 1000).
  • People in Bording can borrow money from 7NG now, as long as they have title to their property.
  • Some people staying behind in a portion of Bording is not an option.
  • Families who rent in Bording can rent at the new site, for $20 - $30 per month, and can work at the factory.
  • All this needs to be verified, and additional information added. Please posts and I will update.

Resettlement Community

above; houses front outside and inside, back (detached latrine), market and public plaza.